Elisha Coles On “God’s Sovereignty”
”Elisha Coles on “God’s Sovereignty” should also be mentioned as a book written in a most concise and interesting manner and well calculated to be helpful to young Christians. It was warmly recommended by Goodwin, Owen and Romaine. It was written by a plain Bible-reader engaged in business and but little versed in the niceties of the schools. Like Edward…
You Are Mine
A Comparison Between The Covenantalism Of Moderate And High (Hyper) Calvinism
Based on the chart presented in R. C. Sproul's book, "What Is Reformed Theology", Jared Smith demonstrates the difference between the covenantalism of Moderate and High (Hyper) Calvinists.
Grace, Sovereign, Free, Omnipotent
Among the many thousands who attended the preaching of the immortal Whitefield, there were some who came to scoff, or to get material wherewith afterwards to amuse their companions. We are informed that, on one occasion, four young men met together, and laid a wager, to be given to him who should best mimic the great preacher. One of these…
Charles Hemington: The Silver Wedding Of His Pastorate
Mr. Hemington has recently completed the twenty-fifth year of his pastorate at Devizes, and this, added to fifteen years as pastor of Corpus Christi Chapel, at Plymouth, and previous labours in various counties, makes a long ministerial life, which, through the Lord's blessing, has been very useful amongst the Churches. He was baptized when a young man, and united to…
Spiritual Meditations Upon The Names And Titles Of Jehovah, And His Work Of Creation
The Law of the Lord is holy, just, and good: to desire the knowledge of more than God has revealed is sinful. Adam’s transgression commenced with a desire to be equal with God in knowledge; by which he made all his natural descendants wise to do evil; Jer. 4.22; for their wisdom is earthly, natural and devilish: and if God…