• Joseph Perry

    The Life And Ministry Of Joseph Perry

    My father and mother, according to the information I have had, lived in the Strand, at London, where I and my two sisters were born. I heard that I had another brother, but he died in infancy. My father was, as I understood, by trade a whitesmith, and being a good workman, he had a good place of business under…

  • William Tant

    2 Natural And Spiritual Sonship

    Much has been said by blind guides concerning the duty of the creature to his Creator, and the privileges of "the children of Zion." But these infinitely distinct things are often blended, so that error is more easily propagated, and the unwary more easily deceived by a speciousness of truth. It will, therefore, be my province in this place, to…

  • Jared Smith's Bible Doctrine

    32 Bible Doctrine – The Doctrine Of Duty Faith

    I would like to welcome you back to another study in Bible Doctrine. In our previous study, I laid out for you the covenantal framework for 18th century Hyper-Calvinism. There is a covenant of works God made with Adam on behalf of the human race, requiring perfect obedience to the law inscribed upon the heart; and there is a covenant…

  • John Boorne

    The Life And Ministry Of John Boorne

    I was born on the 7th of October, 1838. My parents, who were godly people, sought the spiritual welfare of their children, training them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. I heard the truth at home and in the house of God, which gave me in early days a reverence for God's Name, His Word, and His ways.…

  • William Tant

    1 The Doctrines Of Grace Not Dangerous

    By the true Christian, all that savours of God must be highly esteemed; but by him, who has only the "form of godliness, while denying the power thereof,” such a religion, as can be taken up and laid down at pleasure, is the only religion either sought after or admired: therefore, the religion of grace being that which forbids "the…