• Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    Whom He Did Foreknow

    Luke tells us in Acts 15:18, ‘Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world’ and certain it is we cannot begin to comprehend the infinite glory and transcendent majesty of the eternal God if we do not confess His unbounded knowledge. Yet, we must always be humble and careful in trying to understand the nature…

  • William Mason

    The Path Of The Just Is As The Shining Light

    Since the fall of man, there is no other way of being made just or righteous, but by the righteousness of the man Christ Jesus. Just Noah, righteous Lot, meek Moses, faithful Abraham, patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, all were sinners in themselves, but ‘their righteousness is of me,’ saith Jehovah Jesus. Is. 54:17. Hence the Lord calls his people righteous.…

  • William Mason

    Keep Yourselves In The Love Of God

    The love of God, like every other attribute and perfection of Jehovah, is everlasting and unchangeable, even as the essence of God himself. This love is manifested to his people in Christ Jesus; he is the object in whom they are viewed and loved by the Father. As Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and for ever, so is God’s…

  • William Mason

    Jesus Is Both Lord And God

    What St. Paul says of the resurrection of Jesus, may with equal truth be applied to his divinity. If Jesus be not truly and essentially the self-existing God, ‘All preaching is vain; all faith is vain;’ all the saints of God must perish in their sins. But we have not so learned Christ, if so be we have heard him,…

  • John Kershaw

    John Kershaw: A Preacher Of Grace

    Dear Sir, I do not wonder at the strong terms of approval in which you speak of the late Mr. Kershaw's autobiography. I have read it with deepest interest. There is one feature of the work that specially commends itself to my mind; that is, its freedom from rancour and bitterness. Even where he differs, he seeks to concede as…