• Isaac Beeman

    The Life And Testimony Of Isaac Beeman

    I was born in 1764, at Seberton Green, Boughton Malherbe, near Ashford, in Kent. My father was bailiff to Dr. Briton, rector of ———, in that vicinity. About 1778 I was apprenticed to Mr. Clifford, draper and general shopkeeper, at Cranbrook, in the same county, and attended with my master's family at a Particular Baptist chapel; but, like other youths,…

  • William Tant

    8 Fragments That Remain

    A Christian is one who is born from above; therefore his desires aspire to heaven, his affections are fixed on Christ, and his understanding is illuminated, to see that nothing short of the blood of God's dear Son can cleanse him from sin; and that no other righteousness can justify him before God, but that which Christ wrought out, God…

  • William Tant

    7 Consolation For Mourners

    Christ says, "Blessed are they that mourn." Not they shall be blessed, but, they are blessed; and this blessedness cannot be reversed: for Balaam tried all he could to alter God's mind, and so does the devil, the world, and the flesh, to this day. But all Zion's foes shall be confounded, while, with hellish grief, they each one day…

  • William Huntington

    The Life And Ministry Of William Huntington

    Few men have had to encounter such a storm of contempt, slander, enmity, and opposition as that eminent servant of God of whom these Recollections are given to the public by one who was well acquainted with him, and who, like most of those who sat and had profited under his ministry, entertains undiminished for him the warmest affection and…

  • Sarah Holden

    The Life And Testimony Of Sarah Holden

    Sarah Holden is now gone to possess that inheritance which she for many years longed for, and sighed after, but often heard she should never obtain. From the knowledge I have had of her for nearly thirty years, and conversation we have had together upon the work of God in his discrimination acts of grace, manifestatively made known in the…