Ir-religious Associations
How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity and love, but how few there are that in truth, love, and godly fear we can walk and dwell with. Whatever men may say about the great prospects of religion in this day, for my own part I can see but little of them; for where a…
The Life And Testimony Of Lady Hazlerigg
My dearest mother was born Feb. 17, 1784, and departed to her rest in Jesus Oct. 25, 1868. In her earlier days she knew not the Lord, though she was not without some convictions which made her envy at times the beasts that perish. She was left a widow when still young, and survived my father about fifty years; and…
The Life And Ministry Of George Clark
The Christian reader is here presented with a very short account, only a few memorandums, respecting a very poor, yet very rich disciple of Jesus; an humble unassuming follower of the Lamb: of one who, though illiterate in worldly learning and science, was yet will taught of God in things that are divine; and who, in a very remarkable way…
Judge Samson’s Battles
A Word In Season
In the opening of our chapter the Lord lays blame for man’s separation from God squarely on the shoulders of the sinner. The reference to divorce and children sold into servitude reveal this. Had the Lord put away the Jews a bill of divorcement would have existed. Had the Lord sold His children a creditor’s statement of debt could be…
When I Fall