• David Doudney

    A Remarkable Deliverance

    “Somebody hath touched Me!”—Luke 8:46 The circumstances under which these words were laid on our mind may be, perhaps, profitably stated. A poor, greatly tried and exercised brother had been for many days in deep distress, on account of the near approach of a certain hour of all-involving temporal difficulty. Again and again he had laid his case before the…

  • George Cowell

    A Calendar For The Latter Half Of The Year 1850

    July witnesses the trees full of sap; and may it be the experience of the dear reader, to be full of the sap of divine life, strictly avoiding all nourishment but that which is gained from the fulness of Christ, for there is such a thing as the unprofitable sustenance of self-righteousness, that brings forth "uncircumcised fruit" (Leviticus 19:23). Unto…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues

    My Response To Josh Buice’s Assault On Hyper-Calvinists

    Josh Buice, pastor of Pray’s Mill Baptist Church (Atlanta, Georgia), serves as Assistant Professor of Preaching at Grace Bible Theological Seminary and is the founder and president of G3 (Gospel—Grace—Glory) Ministries. On November 22, 2016, he published a column entitled “Calvinism Is Not Hyper-Calvinism” to “Delivered By Grace”. It is to this article I wish to respond. He begins, “Last…

  • Richard Davis

    The Life And Testimony Of Richard Davis

    John Gill’s Preface To Richard Davis’ “Hymns Composed On Several Subjects, And On Divers Occasions” (1748) As I had the honor in my youth of knowing the worthy author of the following hymns, being born (at Kettering in Northamptonshire) and brought up within a very few miles of the place (Rowel, also Rothwell, the same county) where he statedly ministered,…