• William Mason

    Experience Nurtures Hope

    We are ever to consider the gospel as a proclamation of grace to rebels, a declaration of mercy to the profligate and abandoned, glad tidings of salvation to lost, desperate, hopeless sinners. It finds the soul destitute of any one encouraging symptom; it brings all hope and encouragement with it. When the gospel becomes the power of God to salvation…

  • William Mason

    Jesus Answered Not A Word

    What! not a word from the compassionate Saviour, who is touched with the feeling of our infirmities? Is he deaf to the cries, and dumb to the entreaties of a distressed sorrowful heart? No; love in the heart has always an open ear to complaints, a ready tongue to speak comfort, and a kind hand to relieve. But Love afflicts,…

  • Nancy Beach

    The Life And Testimony Of Nancy Beach

    Mrs. Nancy Beach, the beloved wife of the late highly esteemed and God-honoured William Beach, was called to enter into the joy of her Lord early in the morning of June 1st. Her translation to the better country leaves a big gap in spiritual and earthly friendships. She came into the light of this world Dec. 2nd, 1826. Her parents…

  • William Beach

    The Life And Ministry Of William Beach

    Yes! It is now the late, for the traveling days of this veteran servant of Christ are done, the battle fought, the victory won, and now he rests “at home.” The summons came on Monday, December 9th, and  “Fearless he entered Jordan’s flood, At peace with heaven he closed his eyes; His only trust was Jesus’ blood In sure and…