The Sufferings Of Christ
The Apostle has been treating of undeserved suffering (ver. 14). This is, more or less, the common lot of the sheep of Christ in every age of the world, but in the apostolic age it was peculiarly so. Of this their Saviour had forewarned them, and pronounced those "blessed" who were thus called to suffer for the truth's sake (Matt.…
The Life And Testimony Of John M’Kenzie
My dear Friend,—I take up my pen to write you some account of the last days of our dear departed friend and brother, John M'Kenzie, believing that to you and many of the readers of the Gospel Standard it will be interesting. As you are fully aware of the nature of his complaint, (bleeding from the lungs,) I shall confine…
Partial Sight Of Divine Things
The testimony of God is, “All flesh is grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass: the grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away; but the Word of the Lord endureth for ever." But we are told that the kingdom which is received by the saints is “a kingdom which cannot be moved." They receive…
The Life And Testimony Of Edman Forman
Our divine Lord and Master continues to thin the ranks of His servants—His beloved Messengers, by calling them to Himself. It must be a source of more than ordinary grief when a loving Christian minister is removed from his flock by death; and especially so when a close, spiritual relationship has existed between them for many years, as in the…
Samson And Delilah
The Cup Of Trembling
The Lord speaks of a people who feel their need of righteousness and follow Christ seeking what He alone can supply. These are God’s elect people and Isaiah calls them to listen to the word of God. It is a fitting instruction. In this world the Lord’s people suffer at the hands of enemies who make them drink ‘the cup…