• Grey Hazlerigg Sermons

    The Death Of Grey Hazlerigg

    We sincerely hope the Church of Christ will be favoured with the record of the life of this faithful pastor, preacher, and editor. Our beloved brother fell asleep in Jesus on October 4th, 1912, at the advanced age of 94 years. For over three score years he was the devoted pastor of the Church meeting for worship at Zion Chapel,…

  • William Mason

    Redeeming The Time

    Light and life are communicated from Jesus to his members, not merely to till their heads with gospel truths, as matters of speculation, or to make them fluent talkers about religion, but chiefly to affect their hearts, renew their minds, and cause them to be close and consistent walkers with Jesus. Without this we only seem to be religious; we…

  • Sarah Mortimer (Gilbert)

    The Life And Testimony Of Sarah Mortimer (Gilbert)

    At Avebury, on February 24th, 1868, aged 69, Sarah Gilbert. She was my sister in the flesh, and I believe, in the Lord. She was one of fourteen who made the church formed at Avebury in 1830. She was convinced of her state as a sinner before God in 1826, and attended the ministry of Mr. Pontin, who then brought…

  • William Mortimer

    The Life And Ministry Of William Mortimer

    The Late Mr. Mortimer.—Many of our friends expressed their regret that we published so poor an account of Mr. Mortimer as appeared in our No. for June, 1869. But we published all we received, and could not do more. Last month, a friend at Chippenham sent us a copy of the"Wiltshire Independent" of April 8th, 1869, containing a few further…