The Baptist Particular features over 3,500 articles, records, sermons and hymns from over 500 contributors whose works promote one or more historic Baptist values.
John The Apostle (17-97AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was appointed by Christ to serve as an Apostle.…
John The Baptist (4BC-AD28) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was sent by God as the forerunner of the…
James The Bishop (?-63AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Jerusalem,…
Timothy The Bishop (?-98AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was converted to Christ under the preaching ministry of…
Polycarp (68-168) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was a son-in-the-faith to the Apostle John and was appointed the…
Matthew The Evangelist (?-70AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was converted to Christ under the gospel ministry of…
Stephen The Evangelist (?-34AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was a member of one of the congregations in…
Barnabas The Evangelist (?-64AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. Such was his reputation as an encourager and comforter of…
Mark The Evangelist (?-68AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was converted to Christ under the gospel ministry of…
Luke The Evangelist (?-93AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was converted to Christ under the gospel ministry of…
Jude The Evangelist (?-70AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. After the ascension of Christ, he preached the gospel and…
George Thomas (1851-1936) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He had somewhat of an unsettled ministry, serving the pastoral…
David Thomas (1839-1899) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as an itinerate preacher throughout the course of…
W. E. Thomsett (1821-1898) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served the office of pastor for the churches…
John Throssell (1868-?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1895, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting…
J. C. Thurston (1812- 1890) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the church meeting…
William Tiptaft (1803-1864) was a Strict and Particular Baptist pastor. In 1831, he oversaw the construction of a chapel in…
William Tooke (1823-1898) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He presided as pastor over several churches, including those meeting…
Augustus Toplady (1740-1778) was an English preacher, theologian and hymn writer, belonging to the Church of England. He staunchly opposed…
Elizabeth Topp (1783-1855) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the mother of Joseph Tropp, a God-fearing man…
Mary Topp (1826-1854) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the sister of Joseph Topp, a God-fearing man…
Anne Topp (1821-1852) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the first wife of Joseph Topp, a God-fearing…
Mary Topp (1819-1867) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the second wife of Joseph Topp, a God-fearing…
Ann Topp (Davis) (1809-1868) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the eldest daughter of Elizabeth Topp and…
Arthur Triggs (1787-1859) was a High-Calvinist preacher. He served as pastor for the churches meeting at Trinity Chapel, Plymouth and…
William Trotman (1826-?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served twenty-two years as pastor of the church meeting…
Samuel Trott (1783-1866) was an American Primitive Baptist preacher. He was appointed pastor of the Welsh Tract Baptist Church, Newark,…
William Tucker (1731-1814) was an English Baptist author and hymn writer, best know for two outstanding works, "Predestination Calmly Considered"…
Joshua Tuckwell (1799-1868) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. He served as Deacon for the church meeting at Allington,…
George Turner (1833-1898) was a Strict and Particular Baptist deacon. He was appointed to the office of deacon (and secretary)…
Walter Samuel Turner (1842-1900) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served the pastorate of three churches—Uckfield, Sussex (1874);…
Samuel Turner (1784-1854) was a High-Calvinist gospel preacher. He served several years as pastor for the congregation meeting at Hemsley…
William Twisse (1578-1646) was an English scholar, theologian and preacher. In 1643, Parliament ordered his nomination as prolocutor to the…
John Tyler (1912-1989) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He was appointed the Pastor of Zoar Strict Baptist Chapel,…
William Tyndale (1494-1536) was a sovereign grace preacher during the Protestant Reformation, a biblical scholar and linguist. He is best…
John Underhill (1769-1853) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as an itinerate for many years, but was…
James Upton (1760-1834) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher and hymn writer. In 1786, he was appointed pastor of…
Thieleman J. Van Braght (1625-1664) was an Anabaptist who is best known for writing a history of the Christian witness…
Richard Varder (1829-1889) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1870, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting…
John Vinall (1782-1860) was a sovereign grace preacher, considered to be “the last of the Huntingtonian Ministers”. While in his…
William Vine (1831-1896) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the church meeting at Zoar…
Edward Vorley (1765-1838) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1807, he was appointed pastor for the church meeting…
Thomas Voysey (1849-1892) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as superintendent of the Sunday School, deacon and…
William Waite (1840-?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1884, he was appointed pastor of Jireh Chapel, City…
Samuel Waldegrave (1817-1869) was an Anglican preacher. In 1842, he was appointed to the curacy of St. Ebbe’s, Oxford. In…
Joseph Walker (1851-1899) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1881, he was appointed pastor of a church in…
Samuel Walker (1809-1879) was a High-Calvinist Anglican preacher. Between the years 1857 and 1879, he served as Rector for St.…
Daniel Walter (1783-1866) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. He served as deacon for the church meeting at Pell…
Elizabeth Walters (1837-1857) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the niece of C. H. Walters, pastor of…
John Warburton (1776-1857) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He was appointed the pastor of Zion, Trowbridge, where he…
Rachel Warburton (1806-1870) was a sovereign grace believer. Although never baptized and therefore not a member of a church, yet…
John Warburton Jr.(1815-1892) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He was the youngest of ten children belonging to John…