William Tant

William Tant (?) was a High-Calvinist gospel preacher. He served as pastor for the church meeting at Jireh Chapel, Robert Street, Brighton.

  • William Tant

    2 Natural And Spiritual Sonship

    Much has been said by blind guides concerning the duty of the creature to his Creator, and the privileges of "the children of Zion." But these infinitely distinct things are often blended, so that error is more easily propagated, and the unwary more easily deceived by a speciousness of truth. It will, therefore, be my province in this place, to call the reader's attention to the difference between natural and spiritual sonship. Christ is called "a Son," he is so pre-eminently and officially. Thus pre-eminently it is said of him "This is my beloved Son,” Matt. 3:17. being "the first-born," or chief, "among many brethren," Rom. 8:29. It is said of him officially, "Christ as a son over his own house," Heb. 3:6. I say…

  • William Tant

    1 The Doctrines Of Grace Not Dangerous

    By the true Christian, all that savours of God must be highly esteemed; but by him, who has only the "form of godliness, while denying the power thereof,” such a religion, as can be taken up and laid down at pleasure, is the only religion either sought after or admired: therefore, the religion of grace being that which forbids "the wise man to glory in his wisdom, or the mighty man to glory in his might, or the rich man to glory in his riches," Jer. 60:24, must be hated by all who are so wise, as to think God the Father's love depends upon their choice; so mighty as to believe God the Son's salvation is made sure by their strength; and so rich,…

  • William Tant

    “The Grace Of God As Depicted In The Oracles Of God”: Preface And Contents

    I again appear before the public, in the character of an author; and as my object is to publish truth, that the creature may be abased, the church of God fed, the work of the Redeemer unfolded, the love of the Father extolled, the ministry of the Holy Ghost honored, and the glorious fullness of Jehovah Jesus held forth, for the edification of the blood-bought objects of everlasting love; I cannot conceive that any apology is needful, from me, to those for whose use this little work is designed. And as to men who know not what truth is,. because not under the guidance of the Spirit of Promise, it is neither my desire, nor is it in my power, to adduce any argument that…