William Shepherd

William Shepherd (1813-1893) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1864, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at South Chard, Somerset, a position he held for twenty-nine years.

  • William Shepherd

    The Life And Ministry Of William Shepherd

    Mr. William Shepherd was born in the county of Devon of godly parents; but, like all the rest of Adam's posterity, was taken up with the vain things of time. Comparatively early in life the Lord was pleaaed to show him his danger while listening to a sermon by a Baptist minister in his native village; but, as time rolled on our brother was led more deeply into the truth which led him to peruse his father’s books, written by good and gracious men. We first became acquainted in the year 1843, in the city of Exeter, after listening to a sermon by the late Mr. James Wells, of the Surrey Tabernacle, on which occasion a friendship sprung up which lasted half a century. Later…