William Mason
William Mason (1719-1791) was a High-Calvinist author. For many years he served as a Justice of the Peace, and in 1783 was appointed a Magistrate. He served as editor of the Gospel Magazine before and after the editorship of Augustus Toplady. He is best known for a morning and evening devotional entitled, “A Spiritual Treasury For The Children Of God.”
Following On To Know The Lord
The hearts of disciples enjoy sweet fellowship in the truth, and hence they mutually help and encourage each other’s faith. The Saviour loves to have it so: he blesses them, and manifests himself to them in this way. So it was with the disciples after his crucifixion and death. They resorted together, and communed with each other; and Jesus, though unknown to them at first, joined company with them, expounded the scriptures to them, opened their understandings; and they said one to another, ‘Did not our hearts burn within us as he talked with us by the way.’ Luke 24:32
Unscriptural Notions Of Terms And Conditions Of Salvation
One is sometimes called to bear testimony before unbelievers, of the hope that is in us. It is difficult to speak of the manifestation of Christ to the heart, so that the Saviour alone may be exalted and glorified: somewhat of self naturally creeps into the relation. It is very pleasing to nature to be esteemed as one highly favoured, and to have made great attainments in Christianity. Oh that single letter, with great sound, I! But it was farthest from the heart of Paul, that eminent champion for free-grace salvation, to give the least encouragement from his conversion to any fellow sinner to talk of obedience to God’s call, or faithfulness to his
Evangelical Repentance
This is God’s method of saving sinners by Jesus Christ. Those who know the preciousness of Christ have a regard to the glory of God, and love for immortal souls, make this the rule of their preaching: for this doctrine, where it is known and experienced in the heart, makes a true Christian. Evangelical repentance flows from a seeing eye, a hearing ear, and an understanding heart; and is an evidence and effect of gospel faith. To see the evil nature and dreadful effects of sin, its punishment in the sufferings of Jesus; to hear the curses and condemnation of the law against sinners, its dreadful thunders and
I Must Shortly Put Off This Tabernacle
Nothing but the life of Jesus manifest in our flesh, can reconcile us to death. This, and this only delivers from the fears of death, disarms it of its sting, and fortifies the mind with the knowledge of complete victory over the king of terrors, ‘through him who hath loved us.' Constant converse with Jesus makes death familiar. So we learn to die daily; so the spiritual, immortal life of the soul triumphs over the sensual, mortal life of the body. The happy spirit, in some highly-favoured seasons, is so far from fearing and trembling at the body’s dissolution, that it rejoices, and even longs to be set at liberty from its imprisoned state; it pants with desires after its beloved, and says, ‘Come, Lord…
False Hopes And Self-Righteous Pleas
Pride and self-confidence are deeply rooted in the human heart. False hopes are built on self-righteous pleas. By these the heart is blinded to the exceeding sinfulness of sin, hardened against the fear and dread of the Lord; and such live in rebellion against the truth as it is in Jesus. Like Paul, we are all naturally alive without the law; and with these Israelites of old, are ready to say, ‘All that the Lord hath spoken we will do.’ Ex. 19:8. Alas, poor souls utter such words of ignorance and pride, when, like the disciples on the mount, ‘they know not what they say.’ But whom the Lord loves, he proves. The Lord is a jealous God, he will suffer no flesh to glory…
One Thing Is Needful
The disposition and carriage of the sisters, Martha and Mary, much resemble the different desires and actings of the flesh and spirit, of which every Christian is composed. The flesh, like Martha, is careful and troubled about many things. It is ever restless and uneasy, always in want, seldom satisfied, never truly happy. But the spirit hath chosen that good part, that one thing needful. It is truly wise in its choice, quite satisfied in its object, and truly happy in its enjoyment.