William Mason

William Mason (1719-1791) was a High-Calvinist author. For many years he served as a Justice of the Peace, and in 1783 was appointed a Magistrate. He served as editor of the Gospel Magazine before and after the editorship of Augustus Toplady. He is best known for a morning and evening devotional entitled, “A Spiritual Treasury For The Children Of God.”

  • William Mason

    Enter In At The Strait Gate

    Thou feeble-minded disciple, weak in faith, thy Jesus speaks not thus to discourage thee from seeking salvation by him only; for he also says, ‘Every one that seeketh findeth.’ But rather he hereby animates and encourages thy soul in striving against every enemy that opposeth thy entering his kingdom by the strait gate, even by his one atonement, and one righteousness only. He designs also to show that men may not only seek, but strive as in an agony, ‘to enter in, but shall not be able.’ Why? Because they expect to enter the kingdom by some other gate than Jesus. But, says the apostle, ‘No man is crowned, except he strives lawfully.’ Earnestness, zeal, activity, avail nothing, while Jesus is not the only object;…

  • William Mason

    That I May Win Christ

    No sooner had good king Hezekiah established his throne in righteousness, restored religion in his kingdom, set his whole heart to serve the Lord, and his God prospered him, but an invading Sennacherib enters his territories, and encamps against his fenced cities. 2 Chron. 32:1. Scripture and experience daily preach to God’s children, ‘This is not your rest;’ you are in a militant state. Though Jesus hath taken possession of the soul, and cast out the strong man armed, think not of folding your arms, and saying, I shall see war no more; for your adversary has many after-games to play. He will not only encamp against your fenced cities, and attack your out-works, but will also attempt your very heart and mind. Beware of…

  • William Mason

    Acknowledging Jesus, The Son Of God

    If so, we cannot pay too much homage, nor ascribe too much glory to Jesus, as some object. Did Jesus receive from God the Father, honour and glory, by this voice from the excellent glory, ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased?’ 2 Pet. 1:17. Is it the Father’s will that all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father? ‘He that honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father that sent him.’ John 5:23. May we not then boldly say with Paul, on another occasion, ‘As the truth of Christ is in me, no man shall stop me in this glorying’ in Jesus, as my Lord and my God. Yea, we will acknowledge him in his lowest…

  • William Mason

    Suffering Loss By Conferring With Flesh And Blood

    How eminent did the grace of God shine in the conduct of Levi, when the glory of Jehovah was at stake, when his honour was to be vindicated against those who had sinned with a high hand. ‘He said to his father and mother, I have not seen him.’ That is, no one that mine eye shall pity, nor my hand spare, who has transgressed in this matter.‘ Neither did he acknowledge his brethren, nor know his own children.’ Deut. 33:9. The Lord our God is a jealous God. It behoves his children to be valiant for the truth as it is in Jesus. It is our duty to face all opposition against it; to stand in defence of it from every quarter, and to…

  • William Mason

    The Compatibility Of Peace And Tribulation

    Such is Christ’s legacy to all his brethren; peace in him, tribulation in the world. Every disciple shall receive these bequests. The former, a God of truth and faithfulness is engaged by promise and oath to give. The latter, from the world, the flesh, and the devil, every follower of Jesus will be sure to receive. But alas, how apt are we, when in the mount of peace with Jesus, to cry, Tribulation shall no more affect me. On the other hand, when in the dreary valley of tribulation, then we are ready to conclude, There is no end to my troubles; I shall see peace no more. This was the case with David. One while we find him triumphing: ‘In my prosperity I said…

  • William Mason

    The Word Was Made Flesh

    When the Lord gave Lamech a son, he called his name Noah, which signifies repose or consolation; and he said, ‘This same shall comfort us concerning the work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the Lord hath cursed.’ Gen. 5:29. Noah was an eminent type of Jesus. Every sinner, who is poor, and made low, as Lamech signifies, has infinite reason so to conclude of Jesus, the Son of God. ‘This same shall comfort us, though the work and toil of hands have been evil, and we are cursed for sin.