William Mason

William Mason (1719-1791) was a High-Calvinist author. For many years he served as a Justice of the Peace, and in 1783 was appointed a Magistrate. He served as editor of the Gospel Magazine before and after the editorship of Augustus Toplady. He is best known for a morning and evening devotional entitled, “A Spiritual Treasury For The Children Of God.”

  • William Mason

    The Sophistry Of Satan

    It is a grand masterpiece of that wisdom which is earthly, sensual, devilish, to call in question the truth of God's word; to insinuate a doubt about it. But here appears more modesty even in Satan, than in some of his servants; for he only puts a query upon it, whereas they absolutely deny and ridicule the truths of Jehovah. In the same way that the old serpent attacked and prevailed against the innocence of our first parents, he still attempts to destroy the comforts and oppose the holiness of God’s children, by artful suggestions against the truth of God’s word. If he can but raise a doubt in our minds concerning what the Lord hath spoken, he strikes at the very foundation of our…

  • William Mason

    The Burden Of Sin

    Those who think lightly of sin, and account iniquity a trifling thing, evidently show that the god of this world hath blinded their eyes to the infinite atonement of Jesus, and hardened their hearts through the deceitfulness of sin; therefore they are insensible of grief, and without feeling of godly sorrow for sin. When Jesus is known in the heart, sin is truly abhorred, forsaken, and overcome. But it is most distressing to the regenerate soul when the load of guilt and the burden of sin are suffered to lie, day after day, upon the conscience. Oh the insupportable agony of such a state, none know but those who have experienced it! One would ask, is not this contradictory to that comforting assertion, ‘There is…

  • William Mason

    Brotherly Love

    Love without reason is a mad passion. Profession without love, is but ‘a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal;’ unmeaning noise to others, unprofitable to him that makes it. Love is of God. It is that precious ointment that is poured forth from the Father of love upon the head of our spiritual Aaron, and runs down to the skirts of his garment, even upon all his brethren, the children of love. Love descends from God, through Jesus, to us, spreads itself among the brethren, and ascends in grateful odours to the God of love.

  • William Mason

    God Disciplines By Affliction For Our Profit And His Glory

    Sin, though atoned for by the blood of Jesus, and through the faith of this the soul be made holy and happy, yet it still dwells in us. Hence all our griefs, our sufferings, our wretchedness. God’s judgments are sometimes secret, always just, ever in love to his own. Misery would never afflict us, if sin did not infect us. A good instrument may be out of tune; the hand of a skilful musician is necessary to set it, and display its harmony and sound. God disciplines by afflictions for our profit and his glory. The faith, patience, and valour of God’s soldiers are best known in times of exercise: then how animating to view the love, and trust to the faithfulness of a covenant…

  • William Mason

    The Lord God Is My Strength

    ‘The righteous are as bold as a lion.’ The words of wisdom are not like the pithy sayings of the heathen, which merely describe states and things to which men never arrive nor enjoy; but they assure us, such and such has been, and still is the knowledge and experience of God’s saints. So children of wisdom are taught their privileges, and their souls are drawn out in prayer and diligence, that they may also partake of the fulness of the blessings described. Whence is the boldness and courage of the righteous derived? See the young stripling David, how boldly he advances to the mighty giant Goliath, with an insignificant weapon in his hand, yet assured of success. For the faith of Omnipotence was in…

  • William Mason

    Wrong Petitions

    Strange! What, James and John, two disciples of a despised and rejected Master, who had not where to lay his head, yet dreaming of earthly pomp and worldly grandeur, and petitioning for the highest pitch of worldly glory? Yes, nothing less than the right hand of pre-eminence, and the left hand of power, would suit them. Human nature, how earthly, carnal, and selfish! How low are we fallen, yet how lofty in pride! What are the best of men, when left to their own spirits? Truly, we know not what to pray for as we ought. Jesus, Master, instruct us what to do. Teach us what to pray for. Let thy word, ‘my kingdom is not of this world,’ be ever uppermost in our minds.