William Ferris

William Ferris (1802-1887) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the churches meeting at Clack, Hilperton, Shoreham and Landport. It was during the last sixteen years of his life he served the church meeting at Salem Chapel, Landport.

  • William Ferris

    Precious And Honourable In The Sight Of God

    This is a very precious and blessed part of God's Word. This, dear friends, is the gospel. It is all compact together in the eternal decrees of God, in God's everlasting, electing love and grace. God chose the church in eternity, and he designed it to be a glorious church; and chose what means he would use to bring about his own purposes and designs in order to make it a glorious church. I read a remark years ago in a good author, and I never forgot it. It was this: "What was first in intention was last in execution." As much as if a man should say, "I will have a house built according to such a plan;" and then he prepared the materials…

  • William Ferris

    Lines Addressed To Mr. William Ferris

    Thanksgivings to our gracious Lord  Who sent thee forth to preach his word,  Who made thee faithful, made thee bold  His glorious gospel to unfold. Who, out of weakness, makes thee strong  To speed the gospel plough along; Who richly still supplies thy need, His weary saints to tend and feed. Dear man of God! we love thee well,  Yea, more than many words can tell;  'Tis for thy Master's sake we love,  Which does our heavenly calling prove. Oft, when we meet for praise and prayer, 

  • William Ferris

    Not Forsakem In Old Age

    My dear Brother Knill, I have thought much of your kindness in sending me such a good and spiritual letter with love-token in it. I have lately had many springings up of life and streams from the River of love when I could have written and thanked you for your kindness, but my bodily infirmities and other things, too many and too peculiar to name, have hindered. It is a mercy for me the Lord has not left me to the powers of the flesh and Satan's wiles, which, at times, have been very trying. Added to this, my cold and cough, by day and night, have much tried me. I have no doubt you know something of these things. I have been unable to…

  • William Ferris

    The Life And Death Of William Ferris

    The Life And Death Of William Ferris, For Over 60 Years Minister Of The Gospel And For The Last 16 Years Pastors Of Salem Chapel, Landport, Portsmouth, Who Died On April 6th, 1887, In The 85th Year Of His Age. My beloved husband was born at Seagery, Wilts, on June 16th, 1802. When he was three months of age his parents removed to Christian Malford. His father being a godly man, he was brought up under the sound of the truth, and when quite a boy had such strong convictions of sin as sometimes to prevent him closing his eyes in sleep for fear of waking in hell; and often when in chapel he would make promises to be good; but, alas! they were quickly…