William Crowther

William Crowther (1816-1878) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. For more than forty years, he served as pastor for the church meeting at Gomersal, Leeds. It was during his new birth experience he came to reject the doctrine of duty-faith, thereafter sitting under the gospel ministry of John Kershaw.

  • William Crowther

    The Lord’s Way In The Sea

    This was a discovery experimentally made and feelingly expressed by David in a time of great trouble. This trouble was very complicated. We learn from the second verse of the Psalm it was bodily and painful; from the fourth, that it was accompanied by sleepless nights; from the third, that it was soul trouble, and overwhelmed his spirit; and from other verses, that it brought him to the border of despair, and led him to ask, "Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will He be favourable no more?" and other similar questions. By-and-bye he further discovered that making such petulant inquiries was an infirmity of his, and he found his mind drawn from such doleful repinings to a contemplation of God's sovereignty, in…

  • William Crowther

    The Life And Death Of William Crowther

    So said one of the ancients in his counsel, not to do anything, to choose anything, to write anything, with any other motive than to glorify our God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Oh, what a difficult virtue is this when it cometh to the practice, to pass by, and neglect all glistening lures of the flesh and in the creature, and to know no man for any such carnal comparison, but, as he is seen and known as a new creature in Christ. When a man is seen and known to be in Christ, and as having Christ formed in his whole new and inner man as his only hope of glory, and as the only springing motive of his life, to magnify and to…

  • William Crowther

    The Life And Testimony Of William Crowther

    A few Lord's-days since, Mr. William Crowther, of Gomersal, Leeds, preached to his beloved flock at Lockwood the forty-third anniversary sermon, commemorative of his being brought, by the grace of God, into the fellowship of the Gospel, and into a happy association with the Church of Christ upon earth. Not simply in communion with any of those modern and fashionable Churches, where the doctrines and ordinances given to us by Christ and His apostles are increasingly slighted; not merely as a silent and almost useless member, but, Mr. William Crowther was, by the Spirit of God, constrained to unite himself with that section of the family of God who most unflinchingly adhere to those New Testament laws and ordinances which distinguish the Strict and Particular…