Thomas The Apostle

Thomas The Apostle (?-70AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was appointed by Christ to serve as an Apostle. After the ascension of Christ, he preached the gospel and organized churches in places such as Parthia, India and Ethiopia.

  • Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror,  Thomas The Apostle

    39. The Apostle Thomas

    Thomas, tortured by the natives in Calamina, thrown into an oven, and stuck through with spears, A.D. 70 Thomas, The Holy Apostle Of Christ, Tormented With Red-Hot Plates, Cast Into A Furnace, And His Side Pierced With Spears By The Savages, At Calamina, About A. D. 70 Thomas, surnamed Didymus, that is, twin, was a native of Galilee, and his occupation, as it appears, that of a fisherman. John 11:16. Concerning his parents and the time of his conversion, we find no account in the Evangelists, who mention only his call to the apostleship. Matt. 10:3. His love and ardent affection for Christ appears from the fact that he exhorted his brethren, to go up to Jerusalem, that they might die with Christ. John 11:16.…