Thomas Burns
Thomas Burns (?-1897) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the church meting at Walsall, Staffordshire.
The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Burns
Death. On March 25th, 1897, Thomas Burns, of Walsall, Baptist minister. He was the son of Simeon Burns, who was for many years Baptist minister at Gornal. Thomas, when a young man at home, was often present at family prayer; but when he heard his father mention his name in the petitions, his heart would fill with hatred and disgust. When young he was very self-willed and stubborn, and possessed no small amount of pride; but the Lord had a set time and place for the effectual call of his child. This happened when he was about twenty-two years old; and the Lord so worked upon his heart and conscience, that he was brought down from the mount of haughtiness into the valley of humiliation.…