Susannah Harrison

Susannah Harrison (1830-1867) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was a member of Zoar Chapel, Bradford, Yorkshire

  • Susannah Harrison

    The Life And Testimony Of Susannah Harrison

    It was in 1855 when the Lord commenced the work of grace upon her soul. She had a sister at that time who lay ill and was not expected to live. Being a scholar in the Sunday School, the superintendent, as is usual, visited her, and then conversed with her on her state as a sinner and of the all-sufficiency of Christ as a Saviour to all who feel their lost and ruined condition. Susannah, staying in the room, heard the conversation. At that time her mind was at enmity against those things. The doctor now gave no hope of her sister's recovery, and Susannah felt in her mind a desire that she might die instead of her sister; but no sooner had the thought…