Strict Baptist Magazines

Or, those publications which promote high views of sovereign grace. It may be argued the Strict and Particular Baptist churches (SPB's) of the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries were at their strongest when they remained independent congregations, unaffiliated with Magazines and Societies. This strength was lost during the latter half of the 19th century when the churches clamored around favorite periodicals and regional associations. Although the Magazines were largely responsible for creating a party-spirit and culpable for stirring up needless controversy, they nevertheless contain many valuable resources which may prove a blessing to this generation. Although they differed on various points of doctrine, they invariably held to high views of sovereign grace (Hyper-Calvinism), denouncing as heresy the pernicious teachings of Andrew Fuller. It is this distinguishing feature which drew the SPB's to these publications.


  • John Gadsby,  The Gospel Standard

    History Of The “Gospel Standard”

    Before  a man sits down to write a history of any place or thing, he should be quite satisfied on two points: 1, That he is qualified for the work; and, 2, That people in general will believe he is so qualified; otherwise his labour will be in vain. Gibbon wrote "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire;" most ably written, but so tinctured with infidelity that we dare not put it into the hands of our children. Macaulay wrote a "History of England;" one of the most elegantly-written works in the English language; but his Essay on Lord Clive is so marred with partiality and bigotry that we turn from it with disgust. In one place he calls the immortal Huntington "a worthless,…

  • John Warburton Jr.,  The Earthen Vessel

    A Book Review: Memorials Of The Late John Warburton

    All who cherish the memory of our now glorified friend, Mr. John Warburton, of Southill, will, we are sure, speedily purchase his autobiography just published, and will thank the editor of it, Mr. C. Hemington, of Devizes, for the able and faithful manner in which he has discharged his work. We have perused the volume with much real pleasure and profit, and heartily commend it to the careful reading of all our friends. The Letters and Meditations it contains are full of precious truth, and well calculated to meet the varied experiences of the tried family of God. Mr. Hemington, in his excellent preface to the work, says "Mr. Warburton was, in fact, a remarkable man in many ways, and take him for all in…

  • The Gospel Standard

    How Do We Discern The Lord’s Guidance?

    It is well for those who are duly sensible of their own weakness and fallibility, and of the difficulties with which they are surrounded in life, that the Lord has promised to guide his people with his eye, and to cause them to hear a word be­ hind them, saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it," when they are in danger of turning aside either to the right hand or to the left. For this purpose he has given us the written word to be a lamp to our feet, and encouraged us to pray for the teaching of his Holy Spirit, that we may rightly understand and apply it. It is, however, too often seen that many widely deviate from the path…

  • The Earthen Vessel

    In Defense Of Strict Communion

    Review of a Pamphlet entitled "Seven Reasons for Free Communion at the Table of the Lord, with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity." By Cornelius Elven. With the view of giving our readers at once a fair and a concise view of the positions really assumed by the writer of this "sevenfold" defence of open communion, we will enumerate, in fewer words than our author uses, his various propositions, and endeavour, (praying for the blessed guidance of the Holy Spirit,) to show their fallacious and sophistical character. Mr. Elven affirms either directly, or by inevitable implication, the following things:— 1.—That strict communion is not “christian communion,” but that free communion is:—2. That unbaptised believers ought to be admitted to the ordinance…

  • The Gospel Standard

    Ir-religious Associations

    How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity and love, but how few there are that in truth, love, and godly fear we can walk and dwell with. Whatever men may say about the great prospects of religion in this day, for my own part I can see but little of them; for where a man is honest and bold enough to open his mouth wide for Christ's true gospel, all the jackadandies, and ape-like parsons, whom the devil hath dressed up as angels of light, are about that poor soul, to slander, injure, and degrade him. Indeed, my good and godly brethren, I mean no offence to any one in particular, but do speak the truth in Christ Jesus,…

  • The Gospel Magazine

    The Two Preachers

    The Moral Preacher The smooth-tongu'd, moral preacher thus begins:— Repent, believe, leave off your former sins;  Attend the worship of the temple true, And see you give to ev'ry man his due. Bestow your alms likewise when you see need,  The naked clothe, the hapless orphan feed. And when you fail (for all come short sometimes),  Repent again; be sorry for your crimes. Thus if from day to day you ever live, Depend upon it, God will you forgive. Mind not what preachers do, but what they say;  And safe to heav'n this will your souls convey.