Stephen Knight

Stephen Knight (1776-1867) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as gospel minister for the church meeting at Mount Zion Chapel, Ramsgate, Kent.

  • Stephen Knight

    The Life And Ministry Of Stephen Knight

    He was baptized in the last century, and was afterwards connected with W. Huntington; and being at that time a tailor in Oxford Street, he worked for Mr. H. In conversation with him, he has told me that when the sentence of death was sealed in his conscience he was for some time on the borders of despair, concluding that his case was hopeless. Out of this position the Lord graciously delivered him by a special manifestation of his grace and mercy. He continued to sit under Mr. H. with much soul profit until the death of that distinguished servant of God; and such was the affectionate remembrance he had of his former pastor that his countenance would at once brighten at the mention of…