Sarah Mortimer (Gilbert)

Sarah Mortimer (Gilbert) (1799-1868) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the sister of William Mortimer, for seventeen years pastor for the congregation meeting at the old Baptist chapel in Chippenham

  • Sarah Mortimer (Gilbert)

    The Life And Testimony Of Sarah Mortimer (Gilbert)

    At Avebury, on February 24th, 1868, aged 69, Sarah Gilbert. She was my sister in the flesh, and I believe, in the Lord. She was one of fourteen who made the church formed at Avebury in 1830. She was convinced of her state as a sinner before God in 1826, and attended the ministry of Mr. Pontin, who then brought the truth into that village. He was one of the friends of what is now called the Old Baptist Chapel, Devizes. Sarah was taught by the Spirit her condemnation by the law, and the mercy of God in Christ justifying her by imputed righteousness, which she ever gloried in. She was often tossed with tempest, and sometimes sweetly comforted; therefore, being, often emptied from vessel…