Sarah Katterns

Sarah Katterns (1796-1867) was sovereign grace believer. Although she grew up under the gospel ministries of Mr. Hart (Jewry Street Chapel) and Mr. Huntington (Providence Chapel), her father (Daniel Katterns) being the one to give out the hymns at both places of worship, it wasn’t until later in life she experienced the new birth. Thereafter she came under the gospel ministry of Mr. Hobbs (Staining Lane). She was a gimp and tassel maker, often telling her friends, "I am obliged to ask [the Lord] to enable me to design patterns, and then I have to cry unto him to give me favour in the eyes of my employers, and then beg of him for the means to make my payments."

  • Sarah Katterns

    The Life And Testimony Of Sarah Katterns

    Sarah Katterns was the daughter of the late Daniel Katterns, who formerly gave out the hymns for the late Mr. Hart, at Jewry Street Chapel, and at his death for the late Mr. Huntington, at Providence Chapel, Gray's Inn Road, whose ministry she used to attend with her parents and sisters; but at that time she was unconcerned about her eternal state, and cared not for the glorious gospel of Christ. She would sometimes accompany her parents to chapel, then slip out with her sister and go to Hampstead, getting back in time for the conclusion, and ascertain the text from one of the hearers. This she often mentioned with shame and contrition. It was not until after the death of that honoured servant of…