Sarah Holden

Sarah Holden (1754-1836) was a sovereign grace believer. She was converted to Christ in the year 1777, at the age of twenty-three. For the next forty years, she remained under the teachings and in fellowship with Arminian churches. She was introduced to the doctrines of grace in the year 1816, at the age of sixty-two. She remained thereafter a faithful hearer of gospel preachers such as William Gadsby.

  • Sarah Holden

    The Life And Testimony Of Sarah Holden

    Sarah Holden is now gone to possess that inheritance which she for many years longed for, and sighed after, but often heard she should never obtain. From the knowledge I have had of her for nearly thirty years, and conversation we have had together upon the work of God in his discrimination acts of grace, manifestatively made known in the heart and conscience by the Holy Ghost, I have the greatest confidence and delightful satisfaction that she is now enjoying the rest promised, with all those whom God the Spirit hath brought through much tribulation, and washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. From what I have head her say, when speaking of the work of God being made…