Samuel Taylor

Samuel Taylor (1856-?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1898, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting in Ilford.

  • Samuel Taylor

    The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Taylor

    Dear Brother Banks,—Obeying your request for a sketch of my life, I consider it one more call for Deut. 8:2 to be carried out: "Thou shalt remember all the way the Lord thy God led thee these forty (and two) years in the wilderness," &c. May the "favour" which is borne unto His people, be borne upon me, and born into me (Psa. 106:4). The forty-two years of my being can be divided into four periods or calls: (1) A natural one in 1856, at Stepney; (2) a spiritual one in 1874, at Bow; (3) a ministerial one in 1890, at Upton; (4) a pastoral one in 1898, at llford—all four links in God's chain of providence and grace. Briefly, the events of each shall…