Samuel Slade

Samuel Slade (1775-1866) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher and deacon. He remained a member of the church meeting at the Old Baptist Chapel, Devizes, Wiltshire for more than 60 years, during which time he served as a deacon and preacher of the gospel.

  • Samuel Slade

    The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Slade

    On October 9th, he met with a few of his fellow-members at a friend's house, and engaged with fervency in prayer for the prosperity of the church of God, more especially for that part with which he was connected. It was thought by those present that it was the last time he would meet with them, for he appeared like a shock of corn ready to be gathered into his garner. I saw him a few days afterwards on his bed, drawing near his end. I said to him, "You can say, 'I know in whom I have believed.'" He was very deaf, and I do not know that he heard what I said; but he took my hand and said, “The Lord has been…