Samuel Ponsford

Samuel Ponsford (1801-1890) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1837, he took the oversight of a newly organized church meeting at Courtland-grove, Clapham.

  • Samuel Ponsford

    The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Ponsford

    The late Samuel Ponsford was born at Moretonhampstead, Devon, Oct. 23rd, 1801, of poor but respectable parents. He had only a faint remembrance of his father, being quite a child when he died. His mother was a godly woman, and a member of the little Baptist chapel at Moreton, where the late Mr. Garrett was pastor. The years of his youth, from 10 to 21, were spent in a farm-house, after which he went to Exeter, and was occupied as a market gardener. At the age of 23 he married. The influence of his mother's teaching made an impression upon his mind, which abode with him until he reached the age of 25, when it pleased God to reveal his sinnership to him, and by…