Samuel Lightfoot

Samuel Lightfoot (1795-1867) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. He was appointed deacon of the church meeting at North Street, Stamford.

  • Samuel Lightfoot

    The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Lightfoot

    Our dear friend has left in writing some little account of the dealings of God with him, both providentially and spiritually, from which I shall make some extracts, adding some particulars of his last days, and a few out of the many precious sayings, that fell from his lips during his illness. It appears that in 1818 he came to Stamford to conduct a hair-dressing business for a widow, who had two children. After about twelve months, he married her. She only lived four and a half years afterwards; during which time she gave birth to three children, and after the birth of the last was seized with inflammation of the bowels, and died. It appears that during these years, in which he had much…