September 3—Morning Devotion
"Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might; let not the rich man glory in his riches; but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord."—Jeremiah 9:23-24 And didst thou, my poor, proud, vain, sinful heart, after so much as hath been said to thee of Jesus, and so much as thou hast been feelingly taught thy want of Jesus, didst thou need this precept? Oh yes, my soul; every day it had need be sounded in thy ears, and wrote over again by the Holy Ghost upon thine heart. Now it is, Lord Jesus, I learn from hence why thou art so suited to…
September 2—Morning Devotion
"The Lord, the God of Hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken."—Amos 5:146 My soul, pause over this precious scripture, and ask thyself, is it indeed confirmed to thy experience? And do remark how the promise of the old testament scripture is confirmed in the new. Jesus assured the same, when he said, "If a man love me, he will keep my words; and my Father will love him, and we will come and make our abode with him." Pause, my soul, again, and see whether both testaments concurring in the same, and the Holy Ghost ever abiding with the Lord's people, to confirm his word in the heart; are not these promises thine, and art thou not everlastingly enjoying them? Precious Jesus,…
September 1—Morning Devotion
"And his name, through faith in his name, hath made this man strong."—Acts 3:16 My soul, begin this month as the Lord in mercy hath enabled thee to begin some that are past, in taking the name of Jesus for thy theme. Let his name be as ointment poured forth, whose fragrancy shall make thee strong, as it made the poor man whole. And as the Lord hath opened a new month to thee in grace, do thou take up his name, through faith in his name, in praise and prayer. And see to it, my soul, that through the month, and indeed the whole of life, improve his name in every case, in every want, in every need. Depend upon it, his name will…
August 31—Morning Devotion
"One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see."—John 9:25 This is a great thing to say, my soul: on what foundation dost thou rest this knowledge? If the Lord Jesus hath opened thine eyes, then indeed thou canst not but discover thy former blindness; for during that state of nature thou literally couldst discern nothing. And if thy former blindness be discovered, then thy present sight hath brought thee acquainted with new objects. Pause over the review of both this morning. Tile blindness of nature to spiritual things is marked in scripture in strong characters. A poor blind sinner sees nothing of the light of life. The Sun of Righteousness is not risen upon him. He discerns nothing of the love…
August 30—Morning Devotion
"And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt, and the Lord thy God redeemed thee."—Deuteronomy 15:15 Say, my soul, canst thou ever forget the wormwood and the gall of that state of nature, from which the Lord thy God brought thee? Figure to thyself the most horrid state of captivity which the world ever knew; and what could the whole be, bounded, as it must be, by the short period of human life, compared to the everlasting vassalage of sin and Satan, in which thou didst lay when Jesus passed by and brought thee out? No galley-slave, chained to the oar, could equal thy misery, bound with the chain of sin. No duration of misery, bounded by time, equals…
August 29—Morning Devotion
"Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me?"—John 14:9 Pause, my soul, over this question of the Lord Jesus which he put to Philip—figure to thyself that the Lord saith the same to thee; and now see what answer thou wilt give him. It is a great question: and if thou art able to answer it with a—"Yea, Lord;" and from the blessed Spirit's teaching thou truly knowest Jesus to be what the scripture saith he is, and canst as truly, from the receiving that testimony which God hath given of his dear and ever- blessed Son, set to thy seal that God is true; then art thou truly happy, and mayest humbly take to thyself a portion…