• Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    October 27—Morning Devotion

    "I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away."—Isaiah 41:9 Is this thy portion, my soul? Hath the Lord thy God indeed chosen thee? Hath he manifested his love to thee in so distinguishing a way? Take comfort, then, in all thine exercises, when seasons of darkness .and discouragement are around; think of God's choice, and venture on God's love. Art thou distressed, exercised, afflicted? Dost thou call on God, and find no answer? Doth the enemy tempt thee to doubt? Doth thine own unbelieving heart misgive thee? Still recollect, Jesus knows all. He chose thee—and he that chose thee knows all thine exercises; nay, he himself hath appointed them. And remember, thou wast not forced upon him. It was his own free choice first…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    October 26—Morning Devotion

    "He went on frowardly in the way of his heart; I have seen his ways, and-will heal him."—Isaiah 57:17,18 Pause, my soul, over this sweet scripture; and while thou readest it, wilt thou not cry out with David, in the contemplation of the overwhelming mercy: "And is this the manner of man, Oh Lord God!" 2 Sam. 7:19. Think, Oh my soul, how it was with thee, when in the days of thy unregeneracy thou wentest on frowardly in the way of thy perverse heart. Who could have stopped thee, had not sovereign grace? And how justly might the Lord have said, I have seen thy ways, and will punish thee; I will give thee over to a reprobate mind, and forsake thee for ever!—Oh…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    October 25—Morning Devotion

    "My beloved is unto me as a cluster of camphire in the vineyards of Engedi."—Song of Solomon 1:14 How full, indeed how infinitely full, abundant, and soul-satisfying is Jesus, in all that concerns life, light, grace, glory! A cluster of all is Christ; whether the copher of medicine to heal, or of sweetness to satisfy, or of riches to enlarge, or salvation to impart. Every way, and in every thing that is lovely or desirable, Jesus is a cluster indeed to his people. And whether we meet him in the valley or in the mount, in the plains of Jericho, or in the vineyards of Engedi, neither place nor situation, neither state nor circumstances, make any alteration in our Beloved; he is, he must be,…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    October 24—Morning Devotion

    "And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people, as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men."—Micah 5:7 Observe, my soul, the character given of Jacob's seed, and bless the Lord for being included in the number.—For so saith the apostle, "If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Mark then their characters. They are a remnant. But they are God's remnant, being in covenant with God in Christ, and as such, distinguished and separated from the world. "They are a people that dwell alone, and not reckoned among the nations." They are in the midst of many…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    October 23—Morning Devotion

    "Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say."—Exodus 4:12 My soul, pause over this sweet promise which the Lord gave to Moses; for surely the same is in effect said to every minister, every child of God, and every believer. He that made man's mouth, will give every thing suitable to the mouth, and proportion every thing to the necessity of his people. And do, my soul, remark the comprehensiveness of the promise. Will not He who undertakes to be with the mouth, be also with all the renewed faculties of the soul? Jesus gives the tongue of the learned. Jesus gives grace to the lips, understanding to the heart, eyes to the blind, feet to…

  • Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Morning Portions

    October 22—Morning Devotion

    "The Lord will command his loving-kindness in the day-time, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life."—Psalm 42:8 Both night and day open sources of comfort, when Jesus is present, and when Jesus sanctifies. How, indeed, my soul, canst thou be otherwise than comfortable, while Jesus is with thee, and manifesting himself unto thee? And do observe, my soul, the sweet expression in this verse. Thy Lord, thy Jesus, will both create blessings and command them. His loving-kindness, which is better than life itself will make daylight in the soul, when otherwise it is night. And his love will shine, as the stars in the darkest night sparkle with more lustre, with increasing brightness,…