Richard Pratt

Richard Pratt (?-1895) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the churches meeting at Crowborough, Ringmer and Bentley Farm.

  • Richard Pratt

    The Life And Death Of Richard Pratt

    The last sermon he preached was at East Hoathley, on Nov. 18th, 1894, from John 16:8: "When he is come, he will reprove the world of sin," etc., the same text that he spoke from when he commenced to preach at Gethsemane Chapel, Crow-borough. He said he felt impressed that it would be his last sermon, and some of his hearers felt so too. He gradually became weaker in body, but the Lord in much mercy often blessed him in reading his Word at his own home when he could not get out, opening it up to him. Also when his daughter Eliza read to him, he told her what beauties he saw in the Scriptures, and said he sometimes felt like a bottle ready…