Richard Healy

Richard Healy (1825-1866) was a Strict and Particular Baptist deacon. He was appointed to the office of deacon by the church meeting at Providence Chapel, Oakham. His wife, Eliza, passed into the presence of her Lord on March 20th, 1867, in the 46th year of her age, within a year of Richard’s death. He was the son of the man who bears his name, also a Contributor to The Baptist Particular.

  • Richard Healy

    The Life And Ministry Of Richard Healy

    It is not needful to give any account of the Lord's early dealings with our departed brother, as he was enabled to fulfil a long-felt desire to do so himself, which will be found in the "Gospel Standard" for Feb. and March, 1866, headed, "I will Sing of Mercy and Judgment." But a few circumstances relating to him may interest those who have read those pieces, and who felt soul union with him. For some years previous to his marriage, he conducted a farm at A., for his grandfather, in which he probably might have remained the tenant ultimately, had not the grace of God been made manifest in his soul, causing a separating change in all things which affected his future life, and bringing…