Richard Burbridge

Richard Burbridge (1823-1903) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served as pastor for the church meeting at Camden Town.

  • Richard Burbridge

    In Memory Of Richard Burbridge

    In memory of my late beloved husband Richard Burbridge, who was taken to his much-longed-for rest on Sunday, March 15, 1903, being just passed his 80th birthday. His sufferings for many months have been great, but borne with exemplary patience. It was touching to see the grateful spirit he showed for many little act of kindness, and the pleasure he manifested at seeing any of the friends who valued him as a firm, un-flinching preacher of the everlasting truths of the Gospel. His memory will be deeply revered in the various Causes of truth where in the fifty-five years of his ministry he has supplied both in town and country. His pertinent, rich, and savoury preaching has, under Divine application, been made a lasting testimony…

  • Richard Burbridge

    The Life And Ministry Of Richard Burbridge

    Mr Dear Brother Winters,—Acording to promise, I send you a brief sketch of the Lord's goodness and mercy to me in providence and grace. I was born in Mid-Kent, in the parish of Boughton-Malherb, in an old farm-house. Like others, I grew up to be exceedingly fond of the world and all its pastimes, and was ever active in the service of sin and Satan. But, in due time, the Lord came "Not to propose, but call by grace," and separated me from the service and tyranny of Satan, laying the axe of His holy law to the root of my free-will, which made me tremble from head to foot. He then discovered to me my lost and ruined condition, and told me plainly that…