Richard Bax
Richard Bax (1834-1878) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. After his conversion to Christ, he was baptized by George Wright and united to the church under the pastoral care of this distinguished minister of the gospel. In 1868, he was appointed pastor of New Street Chapel, St. Neots, a position he held for ten years, terminated by his death.
The Life And Ministry Of Richard Bax
We now proceed to give a brief sketch of the late Mr. Richard Bax, who succeeded Mr. Murrell in the pastorate at St. Neots, chiefly selected from statements delivered by him on the occasion of his ordination, on June 30th, 1868. On the 23rd of August, 1834, he says: "I was born a sinner into an awful world. Sin lived and reigned in me long ere I had moral consciousness to know what it was to live in sin.” His father was a godly man, but a Huntingtonian of the most rigid school; but his mother was a Unitarian, reverencing Christ as an Exemplar, but not as God the Saviour, by the shedding of His own blood. When and how the first conviction of his…