Rebecca Archer
Rebecca Archer (1824-1913) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the wife of William Archer, pastor at South Acton Tabernacle.
The Life And Death Of Rebecca Archer
Rebecca, the beloved wife of the late William Archer (pastor at South Acton Tabernacle), was called to her eternal rest March 13th, 1913, in her 89th year, after a long illness patiently borne. She was brought to know the Lord very early in life through the faithfulness of her day-school governess, and baptized by Mr. Kendall, of Chadwell Heath, Essex, where she was a member until her marriage, when, with her husband, she joined the Church at Little Alie-street in about 1854, and never had her name removed. Almost her last words were, “Underneath are the everlasting arms.” She was laid to rest, “in sure and certain hope of a glorious resurrection,” at Highgate Cemetery, on Tuesday, March 18th. Her son and two daughters mourn…