Rachel Warburton
Rachel Warburton (1806-1870) was a sovereign grace believer. Although never baptized and therefore not a member of a church, yet before her departure from this world, she evidenced fruits of saving grace. She was the daughter of John Warburton (Strict and Particular Baptist pastor of the church meeting at Trowbridge). Although he earnestly prayed for her salvation, he was ushered to glory (in 1857) before knowing the Lord’s answer.
The Life And Testimony Of Rachel Warburton
My dear Friend,—This morning I was informed from Trowbridge of the death of my sister Rachel. She died yesterday morning. Some time since she was staying with her sister Ruth (Mrs. Gudgin), in hope that the change would be beneficial to her health, which was then giving way. Her appearance, and what she told me of the symptoms that she felt, led me to think she would never recover. My conviction never left me. Fully believing there was no hope that her health would ever be restored, I was anxious about her soul, and watched to see if any token could be seen of life eternal. Many things that I observed in her, such as paying uncommon attention when under the word, as if her…