Rachel Gadsby (Bibby)

Rachel Gadsby (Bibby) (1799-1858) was a sovereign grace believer. She was the eldest daughter of William Gadsby. Although she did not make a public profession of faith, her hope was in the Lord and her private testimony brought forth evidence of a work of grace in her heart.

  • Rachel Gadsby (Bibby)

    The Life And Testimony Of Rachel Gadsby (Bibby)

    "I cannot hesitate in saying that I most certainly believe Mrs. Bibby was a dear redeemed child of the covenant; and though she was not enabled to make an open profession of the name of Jesus, she was a pattern to many. I have watched her attentively for the last ten years with peculiar feelings, looking for answers to prayers long filed in Heaven, presented by one who had a father's heart, as also a Christian's, and who was a friend and pastor over the flock at Manchester, and servant of the Most High God. I have often prayed for answers to his prayers; and though this may to some seem strange, nevertheless so it is; and, moreover, I have obtained many