Phebe Gadsby (Hamer)

Phebe Gadsby (Hamer) (1804-1858) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the youngest daughter of William Gadsby. Although a member of the church at Manchester, she married a man (also a member of the church) against her father’s approval. She and her husband eventually migrated to America. As the years went by, she came to regret these decisions as it separated her from a sound ministry and her family.

  • Phebe Gadsby (Hamer)

    The Life And Testimony Of Phebe Gadsby (Hamer)

    Phebe Hamer was the youngest daughter of the late William Gadsby. She was born at Hinckley, Leicestershire, February 26th, 1804. She received only a moderate education, being early required to assist in the house. She was but young when the Lord first laid his hand upon her, convincing her of her sin; and so heavily did this press upon her that, to use her own words, and as is well remembered, she was unable to attend to anything as she ought to have done. She had been one Lord's Day morning standing a long time before the looking-glass, until she was thrown so late that service had commenced before she reached the chapel. Her father's sermon that morning was upon the vanity of this world;…