Peter Meney
Peter Meney is the Pastor of New Focus Church Online and the Editor of "New Focus Magazine" and publisher of sovereign grace material under the Go Publications imprint. The purpose and aim of the magazine and books is to spread as widely as possible the gospel of Jesus Christ and the message of free, sovereign grace found in the Holy Bible, the Word of God.
Peter Meney on Doctrinal Matters
Peter Meney on Practical Matters
Peter Meney's Sermons
Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations
Peter Meney's Children's Talks
Thy Dead Men Shall Live
Isaiah repeatedly returns to the prospect of the coming day of the Lord, a day that will reveal God’s glory and vindicate the patience and perseverance of the Lord’s people. The day in view is the gospel day, an extended age beginning with the first coming of the Lord Jesus and culminating in the return of Christ in power to judge the world and bring His church into heavenly joy and peace. Isaiah foresaw this day and wrote of it to encourage and comfort the remnant of every age amid the challenges they face. Gospel expansion The opening verses of this chapter speak of the Lord gathering His church by the gospel and bringing His people into Zion, the city of God. ‘Open ye the…
In This Mountain
The Lord Spake Unto Joshua
In This Mountain
This is a delightful passage full of gospel truth and containing many insights concerning the saving and keeping work of Jesus Christ. How blessed the Lord’s remnant people have been to have received, read and recalled these promises in their periods of trouble and fear. Long before Babylon and Rome ever rose in power to afflict the Jews or worry the church their destruction had been foretold. However, with the eye of faith it is Christ’s own glory we see shining in the chapter. Mt Zion, the church The ‘Lord’s mountain’ is a type of the redeemed church of Christ. Sometimes Isaiah calls it Mt Zion or the mountain of the Lord’s house. Sometimes it is described as a high mountain for the lofty esteem…
The Death Of Moses