Nancy Beach
Nancy Beach (1826-1914) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the wife of Deacon William Beach and a member of the church meeting at Chelmsford, Essex.
The Life And Testimony Of Nancy Beach
Mrs. Nancy Beach, the beloved wife of the late highly esteemed and God-honoured William Beach, was called to enter into the joy of her Lord early in the morning of June 1st. Her translation to the better country leaves a big gap in spiritual and earthly friendships. She came into the light of this world Dec. 2nd, 1826. Her parents were Christ-illumined people; she was, therefore, a child of much prayer, and it was her father's joy to know that he was the chosen instrument through the Holy Spirit's power of giving serious impressions to his daughter while in communion with the Lord at the family altar. With her parents she attended Rye Lane Chapel, Peckham, and sat under the ministry of the late George…