Mrs. Thomas Jones

Mrs. Thomas Jones (1855-1912) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the wife of Thomas Jones, a gospel preacher. She met her husband at the church meeting at New Cross, a widower with several children. She became a true mother to the motherless. She engaged in gospel teaching among the Young Women’s Class, her students becoming deeply devoted to her.

  • Mrs. Thomas Jones

    The Life And Testimony Of Mrs. Thomas Jones

    Mrs. Jones was born of godly parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington-Page, on October 23rd, 1855, at Ironbridge. She was baptised on September 15th, 1889, and received into the Strict Baptist Church at Birch Meadow, Brosely, Salop. Ultimately she removed to the vicinity of London, where she spent several years at Blackheatb, afterwards at New Cross, where she joined the Church at Zion, meeting there her future husband, Mr. Thomas Jones, the pastor. She was eminently fitted for a pastor's wife, and became a true mother to Mr. Jones’s children by his former wife, nursing his youngest daughter through a long painful illness until her death with all a mother’s tenderness and care. She took an active part in the work at Zion, having a…