Mrs. Ogden

Mrs Ogden (?-1847) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. After her marriage, she began attending Particular Baptist churches, coming under the gospel ministries of men such as John Warburton and John M’Kenzie.

  • Mrs. Ogden

    The Life And Testimony Of Mrs. Ogden

    From childhood I had at times fears of going to hell; but as I was brought up in Arminianism, (which had a most hardening effect on my conscience, for from constantly hearing it proclaimed that Jesus stood with open arms ready to receive all that would come unto him, and that all might come if they would,) I thought I need not think of coming yet; "I will come," I said to myself, "when I am old, or if I should be ill; Christ is waiting to receive all that come at all times, so he certainly will receive me then." Such was the hardening tendency of an offered gospel to my soul. Early in life I married; and my dear husband not liking an…