Mrs. John Bunyan McCure
Mrs. John Bunyan McCure (?-1869) was an English Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the wife of John Bunyan McCure, missionaries to Australia. A loving wife and devoted mother, she it was who encouraged her husband to sacrifice all for Christ and to train up her children in the way they should go.
The Life And Testimony Of Mrs. John Bunyan McCure
When I first became acquainted with my late dear wife, she was living “without God, and without hope in the world.” The Lord having delivered my soul from death, I was very desirous that He would likewise have mercy upon her: and used to talk with her upon the solemnities of eternity; to which for a time she tuned a deaf ear, until it pleased the Lord to convince her of sin. This greatly encouraged me still to speak to her of the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. Most graciously the Lord blessed my humble endeavours: and she was brought to hope in His mercy—sovereign mercy—through the blood of the Everlasting Covenant. She now attended with me at the house of God, and we…