Mr. Horbury

Mr. Horbury (1810-1862) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served for eighteen years pastor of the church meeting at Islington, Blackburn.

  • Mr. Horbury

    The Life And Ministry Of Mr. Horbury

    Mr. Horbury, Pastor Of The Islington Particular Baptist Chapel, Blackburn In the month of January, 1859, the deceased had the first attack of paralysis, but was still able to attend to his ministerial duties. He, however, gradually got worse, and had another stroke in February, 1861, which affected him in a much greater degree than the first. He was greatly reduced in strength throughout his whole system, but more especially on the right side, his arm and leg on that side being paralysed; and, after a time, it was with difficulty he could cross the house with a crutch and a walking-stick. A few members of the church wished him to speak a little, and in the following June he complied with their request; but…