Mr. Gingell

Mr. Gingell (1807-1867) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. He served many years as a deacon for the church meeting at Hilperton, Wiltshire. For the last several years of his life, he exercised a preaching ministry.

  • Mr. Gingell

    The Life And Ministry Of Mr. Gingell

    The following was written by himself: "It pleased the Lord to call me by his grace when young, in the year 1828. I went out one Sabbath morning with some companions, walking the fields, fearless and careless of everything. When we had been out half an hour, I heard a voice which spoke to my conscience. I passed on, and said nothing to my companions. I believed then it was a voice from heaven. In about three minutes the same voice spoke again, but rather louder. I did not say anything even then; but I had not gone many yards, before I heard the same voice louder and nearer. Then I said to those with me, ‘I have heard a voice speak to me three…