Matthew Anderson

Matthew Anderson (?-1866) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. He served as a deacon for the church meeting at South Hetton, in the county of Durham.

  • Matthew Anderson

    The Life And Ministry Of Matthew Anderson

    Matthew Anderson was a collier, and, like all Adam's posterity, a carnal person, an enemy to God and all his ways and word. He was a card-player, a gambler, and addicted to all manner of open sin, when it pleased God to convince him that he was a sinner. He then sought to escape the consequences of his sins by joining the Wesleyan Methodists, amongst whom he remained for forty years; and whilst he felt himself a great sinner, and sin a heavy burden, he used to wander in the fields and the woods, seeking of the Lord to grant him perfection in the flesh; but was still truly miserable; and although he used to lay the Bible open and on his knees cry for…