Mary Horbury

Mary Horbury (1805-1862) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was the wife of Mr. Horbury, minister of the gospel, Blackburn.

  • Mary Horbury

    The Life And Testimony Of Mary Horbury

    She was born at Clayton West, Yorkshire, and brought up with her uncle and aunt, the latter of whom was a God-fearing woman, and appreciated the means of grace very highly. Through the kindness and Christian feeling displayed by her aunt and her religious associations, the deceased was brought up in good morals and discipline, and for these blessings, at different periods of her life, she expressed the greatest thankfulness. At Clayton, previous to the building of the present chapel, the truth was preached occasionally by Mr. Gadsby, Mr. Kershaw, Mr. Higson, and other gracious men in the old Independent chapel, and in rooms hired for the purpose. On these occasions she attended the means of grace, and throughout her life early recollections of portions…