Mary Harris

Mary Harris (?-1868) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. She was a member of the church meeting at Kingston-upon-Thames, London.

  • Mary Harris

    The Life And Testimony Of Mary Harris

    Mary Harris was for many years a consistent member of the Particular Baptist Church, meeting at Providence Chapel in the above town. Naturally of an amiable disposition, and humbled by grace, she was much loved and respected by all who knew her, and particularly by Christian friends. She was truly poor in spirit, and one who hungered and thirsted after righteousness. She was baptized some years ago. On that day she greatly rejoiced, but was afterwards much in the dark, with hope only just kept alive by now and then a portion of Scripture seemingly whispered to her soul while reading the word of the Lord, which was truly her every-day book, though she was always deploring its being so sealed. She continued in this…