Mary Churchman

Mary Churchman (1654-1734) was a sovereign grace believer. She departed this life Jan. 12th, 1734, in the 80th year of her age, and was interred at Saffron Walden, in Essex.

  • Mary Churchman

    The Life And Testimony Of Mary Churchman

    "Agreeably to what my parents educated me in I was zealous for the Established Church, thought all fanatics who dissented from it, and had as great an inclination to persecute them as Paul had. As a proof, there layaway through my father's yard for Mrs. M., a godly woman, to go to meeting, which she did every Lord's Day; and I really thought it my duty to set his great dog upon her to molest her, and used sometimes to encourage hiin for half a mile together with the most bitter invectives, such as saying, 'My dog would smell the blood of fanatics,' &c. The cur was thought savage to others, but such was the preventing providence of God, that he never once fastened upon…