Luke The Evangelist

Luke The Evangelist (?-93AD) was a sovereign grace Baptist preacher. He was converted to Christ under the gospel ministry of the Apostle Paul, and became a companion to the Apostle during his evangelistic campaigns. He it is who authored the New Testament book which bears his name as well as the book of Acts.

  • Luke The Evangelist,  Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror

    44. Luke the Evangelist

    Of The Second Persecution Of The Christians, Under Domitian, Which Commenced A.D. 93; In Which, Among Others, There Were Apprehended, Banished, Or Slain, The Following Persons.” Luke the Evangelist Hung from an Olive Tree in Greece, A.D. 93 Luke, The Holy Evangelist, Hanged On A Green Olive Tree, In Greece, A.D. 93 Luke, the third among the holy evangelists, was, according to the testimony of the ancients, a Syrian of Antioch, and by occupation a physician. Bybclsch Nozmbceck, about Luke, from Euseb. and Hicron. Col. 4:14. It was the will of the Lord to use him as a physician of souls; to which end he has left to mankind two excellent books on spiritual medicine; namely, his holy Gospel and the Acts of the holy…