Joshua Tuckwell

Joshua Tuckwell (1799-1868) was a Strict and Particular Baptist believer. He served as Deacon for the church meeting at Allington, Wits., serving alongside Joseph Philpot.

  • Joshua Tuckwell

    The Life And Testimony Of Joshua Tuckwell

    There are few things more sensibly felt, as we advance in life, than the departure, one by one, of dear and esteemed friends; and though every such removal is a loud, personal, and repeated warning to us that we too shall soon be numbered with them, yet we do not less painfully feel that in this world we shall see their face and hear their voice no more. Among these old and esteemed friends thus removed by death, I must ever bear in affectionate remembrance the subject of the present Obituary. Him I had known, and with him I had walked in union and communion in the precious truths of the gospel for about 32 years. I feel, therefore, a sweet yet melancholy satisfaction in…